在灵缇或者格力犬等品种犬种发现脚垫出现圆形焦化的硬质区域病变。会给狗造成严重的跛行和疼痛。5-7%的发病率(Lord et al, 2007)。
以下文章做了研究进行Flexor Tenotomy(屈曲肌腱切开术)获得很好效果。
Screening radiograph to rule out foreign body
1. Surgical excision:
Short term follow up (up to 1 year) : 74% (20/27) successful
Long term follow up (up to 5 years): 52 % (14/27) recurrence
2. Digital distal ostectomy (only 3rd phalanx) : change weight distribution
Successful 3/3 - corn resolved naturally
3. SDF tendonectomy
Clinical trial by Dr. Mike Guilliard in UK
With university of liverpool
⁃ removing short section of SDF
⁃ Not removing corn
⁃ 27 dogs with 37 corns
⁃ At 8 weeks 6 dogs had slight lameness and 20 dogs had no lameness.
⁃ Overall 97% had slight or no lameness