目 的
方 法
选取年龄2 ~ 66月龄、体重0.7 ~ 5.3 kg的健康雄性猫100只,随机分为25只。氯胺酮60 mg/m2、丁丙诺啡180µg/m2、咪达唑仑3 mg/m2,美托咪定600µg/m2 (M组和MA组)或右美托咪定300µg/m2 (D组和DA组)肌注麻醉(IM)。MA组、DA组40 min后给予阿替美唑1.5 mg/m2 IM。记录准备时间、手术时间、趴卧位和站立时间。数据采用Kruskall-Wallis检验、未配对t检验和方差分析进行分析。P⩽0.05为差异有统计学意义。
结 果
各组在年龄、体重、术前准备及手术时间等方面差异无统计学意义。MA组(64±34 min)小于M组(129±32 min), DA组(54±6 min)小于D组(110±27 min) (P <0.001)。M组和D组、MA组和DA组的趴卧位恢复时间无差异。MA组(79±51 min)小于M组(150±38 min) (P <0.001), DA组(70±22 min)小于D组(126±27 min) (P <0.01)。D组站立时间(126±27 min)小于M组(150±38 min) (P <0.05)。DA组和MA组站立时间无显著差异。使用阿替美唑后,小猫恢复得比成年猫快。副作用很小。

结 论


Injectable anaesthesia for adult cat and kitten castration: effects of medetomidine, dexmedetomidine and atipamezole on recoveryObjectives Rapid recovery from injectable anaesthesia benefits cat shelter neutering programmes. The effects of medetomidine, dexmedetomidine and atipamezole on recovery were evaluated in adult cats and kittens (⩽6 months old).Methods One hundred healthy male cats (age range 2–66 months, weight range 0.7–5.3 kg) admitted forneutering were randomly allocated to groups of 25. Anaesthesia was induced with 60 mg/m2 ketamine, 180 µg/m2buprenorphine, 3 mg/m2 midazolam and either 600 µg/m2 medetomidine (groups M and MA) or 300 µg/m2dexmedetomidine (groups D and DA) intramuscularly (IM). Groups MA and DA also received 1.5 mg/m2 atipamezole IM after 40 mins. Preparation time, surgical time, and times to sternal recumbency and standing were recorded. Data were analysed using the Kruskall–Wallis test, unpaired t-tests and ANOVA. Statistical significance was deemed to be P ⩽0.05.Results Groups did not differ significantly in age, body weight, preparation or surgical time. The time to sternal recumbency in group MA (64 ± 34 mins) was less than in group M (129 ± 32 mins), and in group DA it was less than in group D (54 ± 6 mins vs 110 ± 27 mins) (P <0.001). There were no differences in duration of recovery to sternal recumbency between groups M and D or MA and DA. The time to standing in group MA (79 ± 51 mins) was less than in group M (150 ± 38 mins) (P <0.001), and in group DA it was less than in group D (70 ± 22 mins vs 126 ± 27 mins) (P <0.01). Time to standing in group D (126 ± 27 mins) was less than in group M (150 ± 38 mins) (P <0.05). Time to standing in groups DA and MA were not different. Kittens recovered faster than adults after atipamezole. Minimal adverse effects were seen.Conclusions and relevance Atipamezole reliably reduced recovery time after anaesthesia incorporating either dexmedetomidine or medetomidine; however, the choice of dexmedetomidine or medetomidine had little effect. Recovery was faster in kittens.