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#文献简报·皮肤病学 弗雷拉纳氟口服治疗家兔严重疥螨的疗效观察

2023-07-23 1002 返回列表


  • 疥螨是兔的一种高度致命的体表寄生虫感染。
  • 单次口服弗雷拉纳治疗宠物兔严重的疥螨感染。
  • 弗雷拉纳给药后30天内出现临床恢复。
  • 在弗雷拉纳给药后45天内发生寄生虫学治愈。

Abstract Sarcoptic mange is one of the most severe, highly contagious, and fatal ectoparasitic infestations of rabbits. Fluralaner, an isoxazoline class of oral ectoparasiticide, is considered as a very potent acaricide. The present study aimed to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of oral fluralaner in pet rabbits with severe spontaneous Sarcoptes scabiei infestation. A total of eight un-neutered pet rabbits, tested positive for S. scabiei by microscopy of skin scrapings, were enrolled. Seven rabbits had severe clinical infestation (score 5), while remaining one rabbit had moderate disease clinical signs (score <3). A single oral dose equivalent to 25 mg/kg of fluralaner was administered to each rabbit. On day 14 post-therapy, marked improvements in the skin lesions were observed; severely infested rabbits had a clinical score of 3, while the moderately infested rabbit had a score of 1. However, none of the rabbits tested negative for S. scabiei. On day 30 post-therapy, complete clinical recovery was recorded in all rabbits (Score 0), but, a complete parasitological clearance was not recorded except to the moderately infested rabbit. All rabbits were tested negative for S. scabiei on day 45 post-therapy. Therefore, a single oral dose of fluralaner at a 25 mg/kg was found to be effective in the treatment of severe sarcoptic mange in pet rabbits and no additional topical or systemic medications were needed. Further studies in a larger number of individuals with a bigger spectrum of disease severities (i.e. more moderate/mild) are needed to comprehensively document the safety and efficacy of this drug in mangy rabbits.

摘要 疥螨是家兔最严重、高度传染性和致命的体表寄生虫感染之一。弗雷拉纳是一种口服异恶唑啉类体外杀螨剂,被认为是一种非常有效的杀螨剂。本研究旨在评价口服弗雷拉纳对重度自发性疥螨感染宠物兔的治疗效果。选取8只未绝育、皮肤刮片镜检疥螨阳性的宠物兔作为研究对象。7只兔临床表现为重度(5分),1只兔临床表现为中度(3分)。对每只兔给予单次口服剂量相当于25 mg/kg的弗雷拉纳。治疗后第14天,皮损明显好转;重度感染家兔临床评分为3分,中度感染家兔临床评分为1分。然而,没有任何家兔对疥螨的检测呈阴性。治疗后第30天,所有家兔临床症状完全恢复(评分为0分),除中度感染的家兔外,未观察到寄生虫学完全清除。治疗后第45天,所有家兔疥螨检测均为阴性。因此,单次口服剂量为25 mg/kg的弗雷拉纳对治疗宠物兔的严重疥螨感染有效,并且不需要额外的局部或全身用药。我们需要在更大数量、更大范围的疾病严重程度(即更中度/轻度)的个体中进行进一步研究,以全面证明该药物对兔疥螨的安全性和有效性。

图1 在治疗开始前第0天出现重度(A、B、C)和中度(D)肌肉肉瘤疥疮皮损的兔。同样的家兔(A, B, C和D)在治疗后14天(A1, B1, C1和D1)表现出显著的临床恢复,在治疗后30天(A2, B2, C2和D2)表现出完全临床恢复。

图2 从病兔的皮肤刮伤中发现的疥螨显微照片(10倍放大)



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