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Vafo Group 收购

奥地利PetCo GmbH的多数股权

总部位于DACH地区(德国、奥地利、瑞士)的优质宠物食品生产商PetCo Group和欧洲高端宠物食品集团Vafo Group近期宣布建立新的战略合作伙伴关系。该协议将两家家族企业合并在一起,总年营业额超过6 亿欧元(6.5 亿美元)。

Vafo Group是一家私营公司,开发、生产和分销优质和超优质宠物食品和补品,销往全球 85 多个国家。这家捷克公司还提供自有品牌服务,每年生产超过 20 万吨。最近的增长部分归功于战略收购。

PetCo Group Austria 是专注于欧洲德语区的高端宠物食品领域的头部公司,总部位于维也纳,拥有WOW、DOG'S LOVE、CAT'S LOVE 和 PURE NATURE 等品牌。

【Vafo Group acquires a majority stake in PetCo GmbH in Austria】

PetCo Group, a premium pet food producer headquartered in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), and Vafo Group, a European high-end pet food group, recently announced a new strategic partnership. This agreement merges the two family businesses together, with a total annual turnover of more than 600 million euros ($650 million).

Vafo Group is a private company that develops, produces, and distributes premium and super-premium pet food and supplements to more than 85 countries around the world. This Czech company also offers private label services and produces more than 200,000 tons annually. Recent growth is partly due to strategic acquisitions.

PetCo Group Austria is a leading company in the high-end pet food sector focused on the German-speaking regions of Europe. Headquartered in Vienna, it owns brands such as WOW, DOG'S LOVE, CAT'S LOVE, and PURE NATURE.


收购Saiba Animal Health

9月3日,国际动保巨头勃林格殷格翰宣布完成对Saiba Animal Health AG(Saiba动物保健公司)的收购,此次交易条款未予披露。

Saiba Animal Health AG拆分自瑞士苏黎世大学,于2013年成立。针对兽医领域尚未满足的主要医疗需求,公司开发了基于病毒样颗粒(VLP)的广泛而创新的治疗性疫苗管线。

【Boehringer Ingelheim announces acquisition of Saiba Animal Health】

On September 3, international animal health giant Boehringer Ingelheim announced the completion of the acquisition of Saiba Animal Health AG. The transaction terms were not disclosed.

Saiba Animal Health AG was spun off from the University of Zurich in Switzerland and was established in 2013. In response to major unmet medical needs in the veterinary field, the company has developed an extensive and innovative pipeline of therapeutic vaccines based on virus-like particles (VLPs).

Three Dog Brands

收购 Kennelmaster Foods

Topspin Consumer Partners 投资组合公司Three Dog Brands (TDB) 收购了宠物零食制造商和营销商Kennelmaster Foods。

Kennelmaster成立于 2008 年,以Chip's Naturals 品牌销售其产品,并使用脱水技术打造差异化、营养丰富且高蛋白的产品。

【Three Dog Brands acquires Kennelmaster Foods】

Three Dog Brands (TDB), a portfolio company of Topspin Consumer Partners, has acquired Kennelmaster Foods, a manufacturer and marketer of pet snacks.

Founded in 2008, Kennelmaster sells its products under the Chip's Naturals brand and uses dehydration technology to create differentiated, nutritious, and high-protein products.


根据美国宠物产品协会 (APPA) 的《2024年宠物猫狗报告》,美国的宠物拥有量在疫情激增后已经趋于稳定。

根据报告,63%的美国家庭至少养1只宠物。其中养猫的比例为 30%,养狗的比例为44%。

【Pet ownership in the United States has returned to pre-pandemic levels】

According to the American Pet Products Association's (APPA) "2024 Pet Dogs and Cats Report", pet ownership in the United States has stabilized after a surge during the pandemic.

According to the report, 63% of American households own at least one pet. Among them, the proportion of cat ownership is 30%, and the proportion of dog ownership is 44%.


PETS International 研究了当今全球9个国家的宠物饲养情况。

其中,美国与日本的养宠数量显著下降。美国养宠物的家庭比例从 2020年的70%下降到 2024 年的63%。日本养狗数量减少7%,养猫数量减少17%。




【Latest changes in pet ownership in countries around the world】

PETS International has studied the pet ownership situation in nine countries around the world today.

Among them, the number of pets in the United States and Japan has decreased significantly. The proportion of households with pets in the United States has dropped from 70% in 2020 to 63% in 2024. In Japan, the number of dogs has decreased by 7% and the number of cats has decreased by 17%.

The number of pets in France and the United Kingdom continues to grow. In France, the number of pets increased by 5% between 2020 and 2024. This is mainly due to an increase in the number of households with cats or dogs. The overall pet ownership in the United Kingdom has increased by 9%, from 29 million to 32 million.

The number of pets in Italy, Austria, and the Netherlands has increased slightly. Both Italy and Austria reported that the number of pets has increased by 1% since 2021. The total number of pets in the Netherlands has reached 7.8 million, an increase of 1%.

The pet preferences in Australia and Germany have changed. The number of cats in Australia has increased by 9%, while the number of cats in Germany has decreased by 6% and the number of dogs has increased by 2%.



WSAVA 2024在苏州成功举办

2024年9月2日至9月5日,WSAVA 2024在中国苏州国际博览中心成功举办。本次大会吸引了来自90余个国家和地区的8500余名兽医师参加,参会人数超过1万人,成为WSAVA世界大会举办以来规模最大的一届。

【WSAVA 2024 was successfully held in Suzhou.】

From September 2 to September 5, 2024, WSAVA 2024 was successfully held at Suzhou International Expo Center in China. This conference attracted more than 8,500 veterinarians from over 90 countries and regions. The number of participants exceeded 10,000, making it the largest session since the WSAVA World Congress was held.

希尔斯Science Diet系列


在今年的WSAVA大会上,Hill's希尔思向中国宠主推出Science Diet系列理想肠胃猫粮。

【The Science Diet series of Hill's is introduced into the Chinese market.】

At this year's WSAVA conference, Hill's launched the Science Diet series of ideal gastrointestinal cat food for Chinese pet owners.




【Pure & Natural launches a high-end pet fresh food brand "FreshInsight".】

Recently, Shanghai Ewin Pet, the parent company of the well-known pet food brand Pure & Natural, officially announced the launch of a brand new fresh food brand "FreshInsight", positioning in the high-end pet food market and debuting the raw meat series products.



【Pet adoption brand obtains strategic financing】

Hangzhou Liumao Pet Management Co., Ltd., the owner of the chain brand "Liumao Pet Adoption Center" that operates pet contract adoptions, has obtained joint strategic financing. The amount of the first round of financing is 120 million yuan.

Hangzhou Liumao Pet Management Co., Ltd. currently mainly opens pet chain stores and offline experience stores in first-tier shopping centers across the country. The single-month signed transaction volume reaches more than 20 million yuan. In terms of the live supply chain dimension, Wenzhou Liubao Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., established in July 2024, has currently established a 3,000-square-meter pet live supply base in Longgang, Wenzhou and Putian, Fujian.





【CATLINK is selected as one of Fortune China's Best Designs in 2024】

The 2024 Fortune China's Best Designs list was announced. The CATLINK cat face recognition smart feeder is the only pet product on the list.

The cat face recognition smart feeder on this list is the first application of face recognition technology in the pet industry. It successfully enables cats to get food from the feeder just by face recognition, helping multi-cat families manage personalized diets.



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