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2024-06-18 276 返回列表






6月1日开始,由BOVA授权用于治疗猫传染性腹膜炎 (FIP) 的复合处方药GS-441524产品开始通过美国在线药房Stokes Pharmacy在美国制造销售,并销往加拿大市场。
FDA回应他们已经了解该复方产品,正在进行审查,并且他们不打算对兽医为特定猫科动物患者开具的用于治疗猫 FIP 的复方产品采取“执法行动”。
Starting from June 1st, GS-441524, a compound prescription drug authorized by BOVA for the treatment of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), began to be manufactured and sold in the US online pharmacy Stokes Pharmacy and sold to the Canadian market.
BOVA is the largest manufacturer of veterinary compounds in Australia. In 2021, Bova began preparing GS-441524 for veterinarians. Before entering the US market, the product had already been sold in some parts of Europe, Australia, and other places.
FDA responded that they are aware of the compound product, are conducting a review, and do not intend to take "enforcement action" against the compound product prescribed by veterinarians for the treatment of feline FIP for specific feline patients.


俄罗斯政府已出台一项计划,将 2024年9月1日起强制对宠物食品和兽药进行标签标注,过程将分阶段进行。2025年3月1日之后将严格禁止销售没有标签的宠物食品。
Russia cracks down on counterfeit pet food market
The Russian government has hammered out a plan to impose mandatory labeling of pet food and veterinary drugs from September 1, 2024, the process will be phased. Selling pet food without the labels will be strictly prohibited past March 1, 2025. 
The step is justified by a need to clean the market of counterfeit products, the share of which reaches 25% of sales in some segments.



近日,全球领先的国际检验、检测和认证机构巨头Eurofins欧陆科技集团发布消息称,其Softlines &Leather部门将推出全面的宠物产品测试服务和验证标志,专注于提升宠物产品的安全性与质量。该服务还涵盖了宠物玩具、服装等各类细分产品。
Recently, Eurofins, a leading international inspection, testing, and certification organization, announced that its Softlines & Leather department will launch a comprehensive pet product testing service and verification logo, focusing on improving the safety and quality of pet products. The service also covers various segmented products such as pet toys and clothing.
Currently, Continental Group has established food testing business institutions in Suzhou, Qingdao, Dalian, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Xiamen, and Hong Kong.


6月10日,英国的新法规生效,开始强制要求给猫植入微芯片。所有小猫在满 20 周大之前都必须植入微芯片。但是“自由生活的猫,即很少或完全没有人类互动或依赖的猫”除外,例如农场猫、流浪猫。
Cat microchipping becomes mandatory in the UK
Cat microchipping is now compulsory in Great Britain after a new regulation entered into force on 10 June. All kittens must be microchipped before reaching 20 weeks of age. However, the rules do not apply to “free living cats that live with little or no human interaction or dependency,” such as farm, feral, or community cats.
Pet parents failing to microchip their felines could face a fineof up to £500 .The government will create a single point of access to collate all microchip records in one place.


Taiwan’s Ministry of Agriculture has launched a digital pet ID system,The scheme updates the existing Pet Registration Information System, making it 100% paperless and digital.
The digital identification cards will include a photograph of the pet, its birth date, the name of its owner, and vaccination and sterilization details. 
The new system aims to provide more transparency in learning where animals came from and monitor breeding facilities, thus helping reduce illegal breeding activities and animal smuggling.
According to the Animal Protection Act, only dogs are currently required to be registered, but officials note that this may soon become the policy for cats, too.



高压技术设计和制造供应商 Hiperbaric 于 6 月 3 日宣布在上海开设新的销售办事处。 
Hiperbaric 表示,对安全、健康和清洁标签食品的需求推动了中国 HPP 市场的增长,促使该公司扩大其在中国的业务。HPP 是一种非热保存方法,使用冷水和高达 87,000 psi 的高压来灭活食源性病原体和腐败微生物。此外,该过程有助于保持产品的营养成分和风味,同时还可以显著延长保质期,而无需使用防腐剂。HPP 技术在食品和饮料、即食食品、肉类和鱼类产品以及宠物食品中有着广泛的应用。 
Hiperbaric 目前在中国 HPP 市场占有 23.5% 的份额,占据全球 HPP 市场 60% 的份额,在五大洲 50 个国家安装了 400 多个 HPP 系统。
Hiperbaric, a provider in the design and manufacturing of high pressure technology, announced the opening of a new sales office in Shanghai on June 3.
According to Hiperbaric, demand for safe, healthy and clean-label food products has fostered growth of the HPP market in China, prompting the company to expand its presence in the country. HPP is a non-thermal preservation method that uses cold water and high pressure, up to 87,000 psi, to inactivate foodborne pathogens and spoilage microorganisms. Additionally, this process can help maintain the nutritional content and flavor of products, while also significantly extending shelf life without the need for preservatives. HPP technology touts various applications in food and beverage, ready-to-eat meals, meat and fish products, and pet food. 
Hiperbaric currently has a 23.5% market share of the HPP market in China,60% share of the global HPP market with more than 400 HPP systems installed in 50 countries spanning five continents. 



6月1日开始,由BOVA授权用于治疗猫传染性腹膜炎 (FIP) 的复合处方药GS-441524产品开始通过美国在线药房Stokes Pharmacy在美国制造销售,并销往加拿大市场。
FDA回应他们已经了解该复方产品,正在进行审查,并且他们不打算对兽医为特定猫科动物患者开具的用于治疗猫 FIP 的复方产品采取“执法行动”。
Tech startup Carelogy and researchers at Nihon University developed CatsMe! by training it on 6,000 pictures of cats, and the app has been used by more than 230,000 customers since its launch last year. The developers say it is more than 95% accurate and expect that degree to improve as the AI trains on more feline faces.




Pet Zongzi Hot Sale during Dragon Boat Festival
Dragon Boat Festival is one of the traditional festivals in China. Eating zongzi is a custom of celebrating the festival. In addition to human zongzi, this year's pet zongzi is also selling well on e-commerce platforms. According to Taobao's hot search list data, the popularity of pet zongzi last week was 27,000, a year-on-year increase of 21%, and the number of "pet zongzi" related products reached 457.
Pet zongzi launched by various brands mainly use chicken, duck, and egg yolk as raw materials, and add fruits and vegetables. The size is around 50g, and the unit price is mostly within 10 yuan.



China General Administration of Customs lifts ban on avian influenza epidemic in France

Recently, the General Administration of Customs of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China announced the lifting of the ban on highly pathogenic avian influenza epidemic in France, allowing poultry and their products from France that meet the requirements of highly pathogenic avian influenza regionalization and biosafety isolation zoning and inspection and quarantine to be exported to China.


今年的618电商大促期间,中国电商平台拼多多的宠物品类销售额同比增长超200%。其中TOP 10销售品牌分别为:麦富迪、网易严选、皇家、顽皮、阿飞和巴弟、力狼、醇粹、蓝氏、高爷家、森森。进口品牌销售TOP 8分别为: SolidGold、RoyalCanin、Orijen、nulo、ACANA、Nutrience、HALO、Stella&Chewy's。

Pet product sales grew more than 3 times on PDD during 618 sales festival

During this 618 e-commerce promotion, the pet category sales of Chinese e-commerce platform PDD increased by over 200% year-on-year. The top 10 sales brands are: Maifudi, NetEase Yanxuan, Royal, Naughty, Afei and Badi, LiLang, ChunCui, Lan Shi, Gao Ye Jia, and SenSen. The top 8 sales of imported brands are: SolidGold, RoyalCanin, Orijen, nulo, ACANA, Nutrience, HALO, Stella & Chewy's.


Pet food with emotional soothing function is driving attention in China
Royal Canin launched a new product - Emotional Soothing Formula Food at the East and West Veterinary Conference to relieve the small emotions of dogs and cats. At the conference, anti-stress and anxiety-relieving foods and medicines also received widespread attention.
Royal Canin's new emotional soothing formula contains two effective ingredients, hydrolyzed casein and L-tryptophan, which can effectively relieve the "small emotions" of dogs and cats. 
Other pet food brands have also launched related functional products. PetMaster's Black Gold Fresh Meat series pet food adds hydrolyzed casein and tryptophan to relieve anxiety in dogs and cats. BiLe has indoor cat food which adds an appropriate amount of catnip dry leaf powder to relieve cats' emotions and increase their appetite. LiYu also launched a mood-relieving staple food cat strip with added hydrolyzed casein.


Another Chinese brand cat FVRCP vaccine may be launched within a year.
Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China approved the emergency evaluation of the dual inactivated vaccine for feline panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, and calicivirus disease jointly developed by Liaoning Yikang Biological and Jinyu Gongli Animal Health.
According to relevant policies, for veterinary drugs required for emergency response to major animal diseases, the Ministry of Agriculture can initiate emergency evaluation and use them for emergency purposes after obtaining temporary approval numbers for veterinary drug products. Vaccine products that pass the emergency evaluation can be launched on the market within a few months at the earliest.



BRIGHT and Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences jointly established a research and development center.
On June 7th, BRIGHT and Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony and jointly built a joint research and development center.
BRIGHT is a Chinese pet food brand that focuses on scientific and healthy diet for pets. The company currently has more than 100 employees. The R & D partners have been working in the pet industry for nearly 15 years, researching pet formulas for nearly 10 years, and focusing on nutritional research and innovation of pet food. BRIGHT also established a pet health feeding R & D center covering an area of over 1,000 square meters in Hangzhou last year.
The Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine of Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences is committed to research in the fields of breeding and breeding of excellent breeds of livestock and poultry, animal nutrition and feed resource development and utilization technology, and has strong scientific and technological strength.



China's First Pet Air-travel Seminar

On June 3rd, the first China Pet Air-travel Symposium was held in Chengdu, bringing together industry associations, airlines, airport groups, research institutes, and air freight forwarding companies to explore innovation and development in pet air-travel, aiming to improve the quality of China's air logistics services and meet the growing demand for pet transportation.



New pet products launched this week

CATARO - Baked Cat Grass Stick, using low-temperature baking technology, wrapped in chicken, filled with cat grass, with over 70% fresh meat content, crispy texture, making it easier for cats to accept.



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