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作为国际宠物⾏业⾸个集国际供应链展览会及⼤会于⼀体的开创性国际社交平台,本次展览涵盖宠物⻝品、⽤品、原料及添加剂、加⼯⼯艺及机械设备、包装材料及设备、宠物医疗产品、⽔族产品等全⾏业、全产业链的产品。为更好展现参展企业优势及特点,并使得专业买家更便捷获取关键信息,⾸届 PSC 宠交会根据⾏业供应链热点需求,对参展企业的优势特点进⾏标签化分类统计,并在参观指南、会刊以及展位上⼀⼀体现,⽅便观众了解并洽谈。


作为PSC宠交会Trade Show Plus的重要组成部分——PSCC全球宠物供应链大会,从全球趋势、地区市场发展战略、细分领域发展及前沿技术、跨境电商趋势等各个方面,全面打造知识分享平台,为行业提供高质量内容和交流机会







2024 ⾸届宠交会获得了到会买家的⾼度评价!

From a visitor point of view it was very good.

This was a high standard especially for a first edition. I was happy to be there!



——Guy Toremans, CEO, ⽐利时 Flamingo 

My first impression, as it’s the first year of this, it looks fantastic, and it looks very fresh and bright with a nice environment. I think the biggest difference is the conference part, to passing on the knowledge around the word, from the Europeans, Americans, Canadians, etc. I thinks it’s the cherries on the cake.

我对 PSC 展会的第⼀印象深刻,作为第⼀届展会,它看起来⾮常棒,⾮常亮眼,洽谈环境很好。我认为与其它展最⼤的不同在于展期的并⾏会议,来⾃欧洲、美洲、亚洲地区的顶级专家分享并及时传递了世界各地最新⾏业知识,我认为是对展会的锦上添花。

——David Amon, CEO, 加拿⼤ Four Paws Group Inc.

I really have to say I’m quite positive and surprised about how really the whole thing is organized and structured, When I work through the street of the show, I could really see, Wow, a big event coming up. When you enter the show, I have to say, big compliment to the organizers!Some of the suppliers also told me that they have hesitated whether to come to the show and I think they have not regretted. I’m looking forward to the next fair and I’m looking forward also how the ideas you will receive and convert them into the future events.


——Stephan Plass, VP of Product Development and Sourcing, Nonfood & Asia Snacks, 德国 Fressnapf

I was delighted with the inaugural edition of the Pet Supplies China (PSC) Fair. The positive atmosphere and engagement among attendees were truly uplifting. It was wonderful to reconnect with familiar suppliers and have meaningful discussions about cooperation and new product opportunities. I must commend the organizers for setting a high standard for a first edition event; the fair was impressively organized and structured. Participating in the fair was a joy, and I eagerly anticipate future editions to see how the ideas gathered will influence upcoming events. My overall experience at the PSC Fair was highly positive, and I genuinely appreciate the efforts made to provide a valuable and engaging environment for industry professionals.


——Mamoun AlShan, CEO, 沙特 Life & Nature

PSC is a game-changer for the world pet industry. It is NOT just another trade fair for pet supplies; it offers a PLUS – a leading international trading, education, and networking events in China.It is the must-to-be social platform for the global pet professionals to share information and knowledge. PSC’s principle “better together and strong together” is indeed

welcome by us.


——Paul van der Raad, Global Director of International Business development 荷兰 Protix

I was really impressed when I entered the show this morning, because I saw so many booths of interesting companies. I really have to admit that the concept is very interesting because we can see information, products, details about the whole chain of pet food industry and the accessories’ part. For me it looks very interesting because the booth is very good and the exhibition hall is very good, it’s all about premium quality.in the way you decided which exhibitors are here and the way you communicate.


——Stephan Schluter, CEO, 德国 Take Five Promotion

For the first version and for the first organizing of a show of this scale, it’s impressive, it’s not easy to set up something from the scratch. I must say the team did a great work. There’s a lot of interesting suppliers I have met today and more looking forward to tomorrow.


——Wouter Lefevere, CCO, ⽐利时 Tom & Co

Thank you for orchestrating such a successful show, attention to detail was very impressive, the industry panel discussion was super and networking booth opened up great opportunities. Also, the appreciation gala on the boat was a hit too! I look forward to returning next year.


——Raymond Cheng, CEO, 加拿⼤ Trendspark

Any time there’s a new show, as I’ve been to a few new shows, there’s really not a high expectations about how well it’s going to do, To be honest, we’re very surprised, it looks very nice, very professional, very large, for the first time out and we’re happy to be here.

我确实参加过不少新展会,我对每次新展会的效果都并不会有太⾼的期望。实话说,我们⾮常惊讶,PSC 宠交会看起来⾮常好,⾮常专业,也颇具规模,对于第⼀次来说超出想像,我们很⾼兴来到这⾥。

——Victor Mason, President, 美国 World Pet Association(WPA)

It was a successful, meaningful international event of the totally different level from all other fairs we used to visit in China. You gave many benefits and was very useful for the visitors, I believe. Combined with top-class organization ,PSC was really a major new level of pet industry event with the highlights of high quality of the products showcased and pre-selected exhibitors. It was important that exhibitors were manufacturers themselves and the visitors were able to meet them face-to-face, directly without mediators/traders/agents, etc.

PSC 和我以往参观过的中国所有宠物展完全不同,她是⼀个⾮常成功和有意义的国际平台,我确信她让我们到会的买家获益匪浅。PSC 的⾼质量组织⼯作,确实是宠物⾏业展的⼀个新⽔准,展览最⼤的亮点是优质的产品和主办精选的制造商,让买家能与他们直接⾯对⾯洽谈合作。

——Yulia Dolzhenkova, CEO, 俄罗斯 Zooinform

第⼆届宠交会将于 2025 年 11 ⽉ 5-7 ⽇在⼴州保利世贸博览馆举办!



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