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2019-11-22 1277 返回列表



  The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) launched a study one year ago investigating dogs diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) .Recently the FDA reported its findings of what they know to date.

  一年前,美国联邦药物管理局(FDA)发起了一项研究,对被诊断为扩张型心肌病(DCM)的犬进行了一项研究。 最近FDA报告了他们迄今为止所知的发现。

  What we know


  There are an estimated 77 million dogs in the United States.


  DCM has been reported in dogs and cats years prior to this report. Common causes are genetic, however infectious disease (viral, bacterial and parasitic), heavy metal toxicity, chemotherapy drugs, obesity, diabetes and other metabolic disorders can cause DCM.There are 560 reported dog cases of DCM and 14 cat cases in the FDA investigation. This represents 0.0007% of the total dog population in the United States.


  Dogs ate grain-free and grain-containing diets; most ate grain free in the FDA investigation. It is not known if the amount of grain-free diets fed represents a market share。


  The 77-page complaint report contained dogs and cats diagnosed with DCM. Some of the dogs were NOT diagnosed with an echocardiogram, which is the standard of care to diagnose DCM.


  The FDA has made no recommendations since starting the investigation over one year ago.


  My findings and experience


  I have recommended grain-free diets since 2005 (14 years.) While practicing I have diagnosed 4 cases of DCM in 21 years of seeing medical cases.In the whole scheme of health risks for dogs, this study is very small and the DCM is relatively uncommon in the general population. In scientific analysis and study, 0.0007% is not statically significant. To put it into perspective over 50% of American dogs are overweight. Obesity also causes DCM.


  Processed food is considered to have less nutritional value than whole fresh food. Poor nutrition in people is a contributing factor to DCM in humans. Let’s face it, ANY dog food in a can, bag or bulk container is processed in some way. It is not the most nutritious food. The most nutritious food is fresh。 I recommend adding in fresh cooked meat, like turkey, chicken, beef or fish with each meal in addition to fresh veggies. For cats, only add in the meat. I do recommend raw meat feeding IF it comes from a SAFE commercial handler of raw meat like Primal Pet foods. Please do not feed grocery store meat raw. It contains bacteria levels, which are considered safe only if cooked. Cooked grocery store meat is safe.


  I believe I have “fixed” more medical problems with grain-free diets than I have with grain-containing diets. Many grains cause issues in our pets including skin, ear and anal gland problems. By removing grains, we remove itchiness and discomfort for many pets. I am a huge supporter that food is medicine and by modifying diets, we can fix many diseases. Perhaps the biggest disease is obesity affecting over 50% of our dogs. Grain-free food, when fed properly, gets dogs to lose weight, and weight loss fixes many problems.


  Some of the dog foods in the investigation are over-represented like Zignature and Acana pet foods. These pet foods do contain peas as a protein source. Peas provide a great deal of protein but provide protein from a plant source, not a meat source. Not all protein sources are considered equal. Specific amino acids are found in meats that are not found in plants. One is taurine.This is why a vegetarian diet is not recommended for your dog.


  UC Davis published a report in 2003 of dogs eating lamb and rice food that had low taurine levels and hypothesized it caused DCM.


  Determining what causes DCM in the dog is very complicated. So far only grain-free diets has been implicated. One important observation is that ALL but one or two of these diets were processed (one or two were homemade.) As a veterinarian I must recommend what I think is best for my patients, natural fresh food is best. If you cannot cook for your pet daily (which most of us can’t) then second best is anything in moderation, so adding in fresh cooked meat and veggies daily is a great option.


  My Recommendations


  The FDA has not made any formal recommendations. They recommend you speak with your veterinarian.


  If you are concerned, your dog can be examined by a veterinarian, chest xrays and an echocardiogram can be performed to rule-out DCM.


  Researchers at UC Davis do believe that Golden Retrievers may have a genetic predilection to DCM and taurine deficiency. If you own a Golden who’s parents have DCM, it is important to get a baseline echocardiogram and cardiac workup for your dog.


  At this time I do not recommend switching your dog off of grain-free food if your dog is doing well. I do recommend adding in fresh meat (cooked) and veggies daily to add fresh protein, vitamins and minerals. I do recommend rotating diets to give your dog a variety of foods. Rotating meat and veggies is also important. I do recommend seeing your veterinarian on a routine basis to have your dog examined to pick up on any disease. Exercise and keeping your dog lean also contributes to a healthy pet.


  本文参考来源:《FDA, DCM and Grain-free Diets》 https://canobievet.com/fda-dcm-and-grain-free-diets/





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