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「Concordia Case Sharing」腸息肉病例分享

2020-10-18 1322 返回列表

Case sharing-Intestinal Polyps

A few months ago, we welcomed 8 Jai, an 11-year-old American Shorthair, to our hospital. He had a mass in the duodenum, which we confirmed through ultrasound and CT scan. Both the pet parents and Dr. Elaine were concerned, as masses in the digestive tract are usually malignant. As such, endoscopy was used to confirm Dr. Elaine’s suspicion of a benign polyp, an uncommon condition: having enough information is crucial to draw up a suitable and effective treatment plan. 

幾個月前,康迪亞醫院診治了一隻11歲的美國短毛貓——8仔。根據超聲波和CT電腦掃瞄的檢查結果,均顯示牠的十二指腸內存在腫塊。8仔的主人和Dr. Elaine 都十分擔心,由於消化道中的腫塊通常都是惡性的。幸而Dr. Elaine 使用了內窺鏡設備,替8仔進行檢查,懷疑該腫塊是不常見的腸道息肉。在診斷過程中,充足的醫療數據對醫生制定到位和有效的治療方案十分重要。

With further diagnosis, Dr. Elaine removed the polyp in surgery. Further testing also confirmed that the polyp was benign, and that the excision was complete. We are happy to report that 8 Jai is now on the right road to recovery, and can lead a normal life with his family!

基於以上的檢查結果,Dr. Elaine 最終通過手術方法替8仔切除了腸道的腫塊,而其後的化驗也證實了息肉是良性的,並且已完全地切除。我們很高興地在此與大家分享,8仔現在正走上康復之路,並可以與家人過著正常的生活!

Dr. Elaine is a veterinary specialist in Canine and Feline practice and RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Surgery. Know more about our team: http://www.concordiapetcare.com/our-team/

Dr. Elaine 是犬科和貓科動物的專科醫生,也是RCVS小動物外科高級醫生。了解更多有關我們團隊的資訊:http://www.concordiapetcare.com/our-team/


Yoko Cocheta Lee:真的非常多謝Dr Elaine,十分細心和有耐性!從無助到出院,對我來說真的不容易,也非常感謝咁多位姑娘細心的照顧8仔咁多日!謝謝你們!


At Concordia, we are committed to providing the best care for your pets. This means being available at all times to allow provision for emergencies, so your pet has the best possible chance of having continuous care and support at the same practice.


Although we hope you never need us in an emergency, we understand that sometimes pets become unexpectedly ill or injured. We are now able to see emergency cases outside of our standard hours. Should this happen, please get in touch on 2679 1000 or send us a WhatsApp message at 5919 3038, our professional veterinarian will answer your concerns.

我們不希望您的寵物發生任何緊急狀況,但有時小動物確實會生病亦或受傷。一旦意外發生,您可以撥打電話 2679 1000 或發送WhatsApp訊息至5919 3038,我們將有專業的獸醫即時為您提供所需的幫助和支持。

In the event of an emergency, please do call us if possible so we can be prepared for your pet's arrival. We hope you and your pets will stay well, but if not, we are here to help!





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