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白色显性基因(Dominant White)

Dominant white (more properly "epistatic white" since it occurs on a different gene to the black-based or red-based colours) denoted by the gene symbol WD(previously "W"), is the colour associated with deafness in cats. Dominant white masks all other colours and purebred dominant white cats may have blue, orange or odd eyes (randombred dominant white cats have a wider palette of colours). Those with blue eyes have a high chance of deafness. Those with one blue eye have a high chance of deafness on the blue-eyed side. Those with orange eyes are far less likely to be deaf. Some dominant white kittens are born with smudges of coloured fur on top of the head where the colour is incompletely masked, this smudge of colour usually disappears by adulthood, but kittens with colour smudges are more likely to have normal hearing. These cats are not albinos; genetically they can be any colour, but the white is dominant to those other colours (albinism is an absence of other colours).








In some animals, the blue-eyed white trait is sex-linked (carried on the X chromosome) and is found in males more often than in females. In cats, the gene for white is carried on an autosome (a chromosome other than the X or Y sex chromosomes) and the trait occurs equally in male and female cats. Blue-eyed white is not sex-linked in cats.


Readers may have noticed that there are dominant white cats with green, yellow or hazel eyes. In pedigree cats, only orange, odd or blue are accepted with dominant white. Orange eyes were selectively bred from the original mish-mash of eye colours back in the late 1800s when many white cats back had nondescript yellowish eyes. It may be easier to think of it in terms of orange = "pigmented" and blue = "non pigmented." Orange is just one colour in a continuous spectrum between green, yellow, orange and hazel. Random bred cats have a lot more variety in terms of pigment because they aren't bred to standardised colours through generations of selective breeding for the most intense coppery-orange possible. Cats with coloured and patterned coats can have all sorts of eye colours. Dominant white masks the coat colour, but does not always mask the eye colour (otherwise there would never be orange-eyed whites). So in random bred dominant white cats there is a much wider range of eye colours even though the fur is white. In the past, a variety known as the Russian Angora was a green-eyed dominant white variety.





The gene for white spotting, denoted by the gene symbol "WS" (previously just "S"), can also create the impression of a self white cat. This gene is dominant and is variable in the way it is expressed - a cat may have a small amount of white or may be wholly white and all stages in between those two extremes. Unlike dominant white, white spotting is not linked to deafness. The lockets and buttons in solid cats are thought to be a wild variation of gene, and are not the "white spotting" gene.




白斑基因表达 很少白色——纯白


Albino is generally thought of as pure white, but the situation in cats is more complex. There are five known alleles for albinism: blue-eyed albino ("ca"), pink-eyed albino ("c"), Burmese pattern ("cb"), Siamese pattern ("cs")and full colour (non-albino, "C"). Full colour is dominant to all of the other four alleles. Burmese pattern is incompletely dominant to Siamese pattern; cats that inherit one of each of those genes will be intermediate in pattern and is known as Tonkinese. A quirk of the Siamese form of albinism is that it is temperature dependent with warm areas of the body being paler than cooler areas. For this reason, it is often described as "colour restriction" rather than albinism. Pink-eyed albino appears to be recessive to all of the other albino mutations. Albinism is not linked to deafness in cats ("dominant white" (W) is the gene linked to deafness).





95% of the general cat population is non-white cats (i.e. not pure white) and congenital deafness is extremely rare in non-white cats.
5% of the general cat population is white cats (i.e. pure white). 15-40% of these pure white cats have one or two blue-eyes.
Of those white cats with one or two blue eyes, 60-80% are deaf; 20-40% have normal hearing; 30-40% had one blue eye and were deaf while 60-70% had one blue eye and normal hearing.
Of the 5% of white cats in the overall population, 60-80% had eyes of other colors (e.g. orange, green). Of those 10- 20% were deaf and 80-90% had normal hearing.
Deaf white cats with one or two blue eyes account for 0.25 - 1.5 of total cat population
Total number of cats with white coat and blue eyes account for 0.75 - 2.0% of total cat population

1. 95%的猫都不是纯白色,非纯白色猫极少有先天性耳聋。

2. 5%的白猫当中,有15-40%的猫有一个或两个蓝眼睛

3. 在这些蓝眼睛白猫当中60-80%是聋子,20-40%听力正常;30-40%一个蓝眼睛猫的单边耳朵失聪。60-70%一个蓝眼睛的猫耳朵正常。

4. 在白猫当中,有60-80%的猫长有其他花色(橘色、绿色)。这些猫种只有10-20%的耳朵是听不见的。






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