鉴于当前广东省内局部疫情的不确定性,同时考虑到参展商和观众的健康安全并最大程度确保展会效果,深圳会展中心将展会重新排期。深圳国际艺术博览会主办方经审慎考虑并与主管单位商议后决定,原定于2021年7月8日至7月11日在深圳(福田)会展中心举办的2021第九届深圳国际艺术博览会延期至2021年11月25日至11月28日举办。自2012年创办以来,深圳国际艺术博览会一直与艺术行业并肩同行,见证着这座城市与日俱增的艺术氛围一年年蓬勃升腾。尽管疫情尚有局部反复,我们仍对深圳艺术行业的未来充满信心。自古好事多磨难,从来佳期不易得。感谢广大参展商、合作单位、媒体及观众朋友对深圳国际艺术博览会一如既往的支持,因展会延期给您造成的诸多不便,我们深表歉意,同时我们也会竭诚做好各项筹备工作,切实保障展会取得最佳效果。In view of the current uncertainty of the local coronavirus cases in Guangdong Province, considering the health and safety of exhibitors and visitors and ensuring the effect of the exhibition to the greatest extent, Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center will reschedule the exhibition. After careful consideration and discussion with the competent unit, Shenzhen International Art Fair Organizing Committee decided that the 9th Shenzhen International Art Fair 2021, originally scheduled to be held at the Shenzhen (Futian) Convention and Exhibition Center from July 8 to July 11, 2021, will be postponed to be held from November 25 to November 28, 2021.Since established in 2012, Shenzhen International Art Fair has been walking side by side with the art industry, witnessing the city's growing artistic atmosphere every year. Despite of the partial recurrence of the epidemics, we are still confident in the future of Shenzhen's art industry.Thanks to all the exhibitors, partners, media, and visitors for your continuing support to Shenzhen International Art Fair, and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the postponement of the exhibition. At the same time, we will do all the preparatory work wholeheartedly to ensure the exhibition to achieve the best results.Looking forward to meeting you soon!The Organizing Committee of SIAF