背 景
目 的
动 物
方 法
采用前瞻性观察研究(n=79),观察右旋美托咪啶镇静后胆囊壁增厚(>2.0 mm)的发生率。采用随机、交叉研究(n=10)评价时间和卧位对胆囊壁增厚的影响。采用线性混合模型。
结 果

结 论
右旋美托咪啶镇静与胆囊壁增厚(>2.0 mm)和腹水有关,这可能与病理病因相混淆。
Sedation with dexmedetomidine is associated with transientgallbladder wall thickening and peritoneal effusion in somedogs undergoing abdominal ultrasonographyBackground:Dexmedetomidine often is used for sedation before or during abdominal ultrasonography. The effect of dexmedetomidine on gallbladder wall thickness isunknown.Hypothesis/Objectives:To investigate the relationship between dexmedetomidineadministration and gallbladder wall thickening in dogs. The hypothesis was that sedation with dexmedetomidine will cause transient gallbladder wall thickening. Gallbladder wall thickness will be associated with duration of sedation and recumbencyposition.Animals: Seventy-nine client owned dogs and 10 healthy research dogsMethods:A prospective observational study (n = 79) was used to establish the prevalence of gallbladder wall thickening (> 2.0 mm) after sedation withdexmedetomidine. A randomized, crossover study (n = 10) was used to evaluate theeffect of time and recumbency position on the development of gallbladder wall thickening. Linear mixed models were used.Results:The proportion of client-owned dogs that developed gallbladder wall thickening was 24.05% (19/79; 95% confidence interval [CI], 15.1%-35.0%) with a mediandose of dexmedetomidine of 5.0 μg/kg (range, 2.0-12.5 μg/kg). After sedation, theproportion of research dogs that developed gallbladder wall thickening in left lateral(5/10, 50%; 95% CI, 18.7%-81.3%) and dorsal (7/10, 70%; 95% CI, 34.8%-93.3%)recumbency did not differ significantly (P = .45). Gallbladder wall thickening developed within 20 to 40 minutes. Duration of sedation was significantly associated withthickening of the gallbladder wall (P < .001). Five dogs developed 9 instances of peritoneal effusion in both lateral (5) and dorsal (4) recumbency.Conclusions and Clinical Importance:Sedation with dexmedetomidine is associatedwith gallbladder wall thickening (> 2.0 mm) and peritoneal effusion that could be confused with pathologic etiologies.