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中国传播专员 China Communications Officer

2022-09-29 644 返回列表

中国传播专员- 岗位职责

Job Description for China Communications Officer


ACTAsia’s Mission is to educate children, consumers and professionals in China and other Asian regions to help build a kinder and more sustainable world.



Position Summary


The China Communications Officer role is a pivotal one for ACTAsia’s education programmes. It includes all aspects of our Caring for Life messaging, ACTAsia branding and fundraising.


Report to Line Manager, China Communications Director, Kayla Kuo reporting on progress, concerns and successes through weekly updates as required, including providing data and writing stories for the global communications team. 



Responsibilities will include

  • 每天监测和分析中英文新闻和媒体,并每周与中国和国际团队分享资讯和提炼关键信息,以协助理念传播和项目推进。

  • To monitor and analyse daily news and media in Chinese and English and to share information and useful messages weekly with the team both in China and internationally for communications and projects.

  • 每天通过上传媒体素材运营行动亚洲ACTAsia的中文版官网、微博、微信和其他新媒体平台。

  • To operate ACTAsia’s Chinese website, Weibo, WeChat and other social media accounts, updating daily.

  • 制作和沟通创作面向大众和捐款人的传播素材,如新闻稿、文章、照片、示意图、影片和出版物。  

  • To produce and coordinate contents for communication with public and donors such as press releases, articles, photographs, illustrations, videos and publications.

  • 媒体研究,包括中英文文章和出版物的规划和数据收集。

  • Media research including planning and data collection in both Chinese and English articles and publications.

  • 撰写媒体报告和准备演讲稿等材料。

  • Media report writing and preparing presentation materials.

  • 宣传、报导、主持和技术支持行动亚洲ACTAsia的线上线下活动,如网络研讨会和论坛等。

  • To promote, report, host and support technically ACTAsia’s events both online and offline such as webinar/ forums etc.

  • 代表行动亚洲ACTAsia参加其他组织的会议和活动:如会议等;并根据内部共识依据指示向媒体发表讲话。

  • Represent ACTAsia at other organisations’ meetings, events: e.g. conferences; and speak to the media as directed.

  • 为中国和国际传播部门准备合适的项目相关内容。

  • To prepare suitable project related content for the China and Global Communication Departments.

  • 依据需求独立工作或与其他同事合作。例如,协助翻译口译等工作。

  • To work independently or in collaboration with other colleagues as required. For example, to assist with duties such as translating/ interpreting.

  • 作为团队的一员,您可能需要在行动亚洲ACTAsia在国内其他领域或具相同理念的相关活动中,履行其他与工作相关的职责。

  • Working as part of a small team you may be required to perform other work-related duties within the scope and spirit of ACTAsia’s activities.

  • 撰写项目年度计划,包括预算和执行方案。

  • To prepare project proposals including, budget and implementation for the year ahead. 



About the team

我们致力于使行动亚洲ACTAsia成为一个多元化和包容性的工作场所,让每个人都能茁壮成长。 我们欢迎所有个人的申请,并使我们的招聘过程尽可能地包容。  

We are committed to ACTAsia being a diverse and inclusive workplace, where everyone can thrive. We welcome applications from all individuals and aim to make our recruitment processes as inclusive as possible.   


Work Location: Shanghai office. Travel as required.



About ACTAsia


ACTAsia is a multifaceted charity with special consultative status  within the UN’s Economic and Social council. We work to drive long term, sustainable change for animals, people and the environment through a range of education programmes. Our award-winning tailored education programmes for children, consumers and professionals drive positive and sustainable long-term change in China and other Asian regions, helping people to understand and appreciate the importance of the inter-dependence of all living things. We do this because education helps increase awareness and understanding of the sentience and interconnectivity of all living things, something which can be lacking in parts of Asian society owing to a complex range of historical, political and socio-economic factors.



Person Specification


The person required for this role needs to have the following skills and abilities:

  • 大学毕业或以上学位。若拥有传媒、公共政策、社会教育或设计等相关学科学位,并对社会创新有浓厚兴趣为优选。

  • Educated to Degree level. Desirable: A Degree in related subject and keen interest in humane education and making a positive change.

  • 对可持续发展、消费趋势、时尚、植物基生活方式、动物福利和儿童教育议题感兴趣。

  • Interested in the issues of sustainability, consumption trend, fashion, plant-based lifestyle, animal welfare and children’s education.

  • 具备撰写新闻稿、统筹媒体联系和与媒体制作或服务单位清晰有效沟通的能力。

  • The ability to write press releases, coordinate media contacts and brief effectively to agency.

  • 对于慎辨性思考、故事性表达和挑战充满热情。

  • Passionate about critical thinking, story-telling, and willing to take on a challenge.

  • 对文化传统和习俗有一定的敏感和理解与宽容。

  • Sensitive and understanding and tolerant to cultural traditions and practices.

  • 具备英文和中文双语(口语和书面)优秀的沟通能力。

  • Bilingual English and Chinese (spoken and written), excellent communicator.

  • 具备应用于团队项目工作和个人工作上优秀的组织能力。

  • Excellent organisational skills, practically applied to project work and personal workload.

  • 具备良好IT技能和相关应用程序和软件的工作经验。

  • Excellent IT skills and experience of working with relevant applications and software.

  • 能胜任独立工作且能自我激励,并能良好融入团队合作中。在团队中,具备良好的沟通技巧和意愿,并愿意为他人树立榜样和提供协助。

  • Confident to work independently self-motivated, also as part of a team where your communication skills and desire to support and role model are strong.

  • 愿意主动承担任务和责任。

  • Willing to take initiative and responsibility for given tasks.

  • 优秀的表达能力。

  • Excellent presentation skills.

  • 注重细节和准确性。

  • Excellent attention to detail and accuracy.

  • 具有良好的抗压性面对外界压力并能在截止日期前完成工作。

  • Ability to work under pressure and to deadlines.

  • 灵活处理工作时间(即时差),愿意办公时间以外的处理紧急事项。

  • Flexible with regard to working hours (i.e. time differences) and willing to address any urgent matters   outside of office hours.

  • 能够在国际团队内进行良好沟通,主动设想并协调双方的信息需求。

  • The ability to communicate well within an international team, using initiative to anticipate information requests or coordinate information with the team.



How to apply

请发送您的申请至邮箱 jessica@actasia.org

Please send your application to jessica@actasia.org



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