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2022-11-07 1107 返回列表

Cost Of ACL Surgery For Dogs In 2019: Price Comparison From Different Regions In The United States, Both Rural And Urban 

Determining the total cost of surgery to address your dog’s torn ACL will depend on several variable factors. Where you live, as the cost of surgery varies from region to region, the type of procedure you choose, medication, and physical therapy treatments. You will also need to consider the costs involved in preparing your home for confinement and any other adjustments you may need to make to optimize post-operative care. Surgical costs go up if you choose a specialized veterinarian surgeon.
Remember, the cost of surgery is not limited to your vet bill. ACL surgery for your dog may require that you take some time off of work to be present and attentive to your dog.
Metropolitan based veterinary clinics will cost you nearly double than what you would pay in smaller towns across America. New York City, Boston, Washington DC, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Seattle boast the highest surgical fees for ACL Tears in dogs. A confluence of factors creates this price difference in urban centers versus more rural communities. Firstly, similar to the price of real estate, a high population and therefore demand, increases the price of dog surgery. Secondly, urban centers tend to attract veterinary surgeons with more experience and higher qualifications (in part because they are paid more).

Here is a sampling of prices in two different urban centers in 2019:

New York City:

TPLO Surgery: $6350 USD. This cost includes anesthesia, pre and post operative X-Rays, four home visits post operation, and the initial physical therapy session.

TTA Surgery: $4800 USD. This cost includes anesthesia, pre and post operative X-Rays, four home visits post operation, and the initial physical therapy session.

Lateral Suture Technique: $995 USD. Several veterinary clinics in NYC will offer a package deal for this surgery that is all-inclusive.

Tightrope Surgery: $650 USD. This surgery is by far the most cost effective but is off limits to small dogs or dogs that have already received ACL surgery. This cost does not include physical therapy, an intrinsic aspect to recovery for this operation.

(Please note that there is some variance in pricing in the city of New York but all veterinary clinics are within the range of the aforementioned prices)

Orange County, California:

TPLO Surgery: $4300 USD. Additional costs may apply, this total will include pre and post operation X-Rays, medication, two at home visits post surgery, and does not include physical therapy. (You can expect to pay $200.00 for the initial consultation and roughly $100.00 for follow-up therapy in this region)

TTA Surgery: $3700 USD. Similar to TPLO surgery, this total will cover most surgically related costs but will not include physical therapy.

Lateral Suture Technique: $1000 USD. This all-inclusive deal can be found around the country regardless of region.

Tightrope Surgery: $850 USD. This price includes X-Rays and medication but excludes physical therapy, a paramount aspect to this form of ACL surgery.

***Please note these samples are taken from specific veterinary clinics in these two urban centers. There is some variance in prices depending on the clinic but you can expect to pay close to the above price list. Both examples represent medium cost of ACL surgery in the market of these two regions.

If complications arise during the postoperative phase the cost will rise. Please note that the prices are based on veterinary surgeons with at least 10 years experience.

Here is a sampling of prices in three regions that range from rural to urban:

Whitehall, Wisconsin:

TPLO Surgery: $3300 USD. This is an all-inclusive price for surgical cost and excludes physical therapy and post-operative fees.

TTA surgery: $2600 USD. This is an all-inclusive price for surgical cost and excludes physical therapy and post-operative fees.

Lateral Suture Technique: $850 USD. This is an all-inclusive price and excludes physical therapy and post-operative fees.

Tightrope Surgery: $750 USD. The surgeon in Whitehall, Wisconsin is among the country’s leader in this new technique of ACL surgical care. The cost will include the initial physical therapy assessment and treatment.

Scottsdale, Arizona:

TPLO Surgery: $4400 USD. This fee will include all aspects of surgery, but will not include any post-operative care.

TTA surgery: $3600.00. This fee will include all aspects of surgery, but will not include any post-operative care.

Lateral Suture Technique: $995 USD. This is an all-inclusive package that includes several follow-up appointments, but will not include physical therapy.

Tightrope Surgery: $850 USD. This price includes all care before and during surgery but will not include physical therapy post surgery.

Charleston, South Carolina:

TPLO Surgery: $3250 USD for the basic procedure or $3698 USD will include physical therapy and follow up X-Rays and check ups.

TTA Surgery: $2025 USD. This cost is for the surgery only and does not include additional fees associated with the operation procedures.

Lateral Suture Technique: $895 USD. This is an all-inclusive surgical package that includes pre and post-operative lab work and X-Rays. This price does not include physical therapy.

Tightrope Surgery: $725 USD. This cost does include pre and post-operative lab work and X-Rays but does not include the price of physical therapy necessary for these procedures to be effective.

***Please note these samples are taken from specific veterinary clinics in two separate regions. There is some variance in prices depending on the clinic but you can expect to pay close to the above price list. Both examples represent medium cost of ACL surgery in the market of these two regions that are not large metropolitan areas.

If complications arise during the postoperative phase the cost will rise. Please note that the prices are based on veterinary surgeons with at least 10 years experience.














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