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2020-04-01 1461 返回列表


Preliminary note: the scientific content of this factsheet was collected from reliable sources such as OIE, European National references laboratories, WHO, and pre-Covid19 scientific literature about coronavirus.


A massive amount of new science is available daily [1087 and counting at this date] but be aware to check the source [e.g. pre-print server vs. peer-reviewed].


Here you can find a good resource for daily publications : Lit Cov (see online references)

从这个来源可以找到一个很好的日常出版物资料:Lit Cov (见网上参考资料)

Moreover, the real information we need about the susceptibility and possible involvement of various animals is not yet available and won’t be for months or years.














Are coronavirus usual in wild species / Zoo animals ?


The CoVid-19 is a viral infectious disease (last “d”=disease) transmitted between humans, first described in Wuhan China on the  31st  od  December  2019 .  Up  to  now ,  the  virus  spread  globally  with  more  than 180.000 human cases in over 150 countries at the date of writing this text. The virus name is SARS-COV-2, and belongs to Coronavirus family. This name was given because of real genetic proximity of this virus with the SARS virus of 2002-2003 outbreak. On the 11th of March 2020, the WHO officially declared it as pandemic.



Are coronavirus usual in wild species / Zoo animals ?

· Yes, coronaviruses are very common in Mammals and Birds. They are not always associated to disease and there are a lot of non-symptomatic carriers often occur in many domestic and wild species.

· 是的,冠状病毒在哺乳动物和鸟类中很常见。它们并不总是导致发病,在许多家养和野生动物中经常出现许多无症状的携带者。

This RNA virus family is comprised between 4 main groups: (2)


· Alphacoronavirus : mainly found in bats , but this group also contains The Feline Coronavirus FeCov with its two forms (FeCV and FIP) (16) The canine coronavirus ,Human viruses like HCov 229-E, sometimes a component of the common cold

· α型冠状病毒主要在蝙蝠中发现,但这个群体也包含猫冠状病毒的2个亚型(Fcov和FIP)(16);犬冠状病毒;人类病毒如HCov 229-E,造成普通感冒。

· Betacoronavirus : most represented in mammals, from carnivores to hoofstock (8) (14), from hedgehogs to bats. It also contains the 3 more recent emerging coronaviral diseases:

· β型冠状病毒:在哺乳动物中最常见,从食肉动物到蹄类动物(8)(14),从刺猬到蝙蝠。它还包括最近出现的3种冠状病毒疾病:



· HCoV-OC43

· Additionally: HCoV-OC43, one of the more prevalent infectious agents of the common cold in humans

补充: HCoV-OC43, 传染性更广,造成人类的普通感冒。

· Gammacoronavirus : viruses from cetaceans (beluga, dolphins), and a dozen of purely avian viruses

· γ型冠状病毒:感染鲸目动物(白鲸、海豚)以及十多种禽类的病毒

· Deltacoronavirus : (35) mostly avian species specific coronaviruses , and some porcine one., recently recovered from leopard cats

· δ型病毒:(35)主要是鸟类特有的冠状病毒和一些猪病毒。最近刚从豹猫身上发现该病毒。

 Chiropterans are well known to be host of many viruses, including various coronavirus at the same time (30). These include also some very specific coronaviruses that are specific to one species or only one genus of bats.

· 众所周知蝙蝠是许多病毒同时(30)包括各种冠状病毒的宿主,其中也包括一些非常特殊的冠状病毒,它们只感染特定种属的蝙蝠。

· After their first year of life, more than 80% of domestic species including dogs, cats, cattle, and pigs, are seropositive for at least one coronavirus, without expressing clinical signs.

· 家养的动物如犬、猫、牛、猪等,80%的动物在出生一年后对至少一种冠状病毒血清学反应阳性,而且临床上并没有表现出症状。


What kind of disease does coronavirus provoke?

Coronaviruses are able to infect several categories of somatic cells, but they often invade epithelial cells, especially those of the digestive mucosa and/or respiratory tract. Because of this tropism, the resulting diseases mainly fall into two groups:


  • Diarrhea and intestinal disorders (example seen in bovine calves, sometimes in association with rotavirus) 

  • 腹泻和肠道功能失调(例如在牛身上发现的轮状病毒)

  • Respiratory syndromes, either from upper tract (like common cold) or deeper like bronchopneumonia.

  • 呼吸综合征,上呼吸道疾病(如普通感冒)或支气管肺炎。


Could the coronaviruses be transmitted from Animal to Human?

Generally, coronaviruses are rather species-adapted, and transmission from one species to another is rare. Only a few described species of coronaviruses have shown a broad host species range:


  • · SARS-CoV (Human, civet cats, racoon dogs, horseshoe bat, swine 

  • · SARS-CoV (人,麝猫,狸,菊头蝠,猪)

  • MERS-CoV (Human, bats, hedgehogs, camels) 

  • MERS-CoV(人、蝙蝠、刺猬、骆驼)

  •  Bov-CoV (Cattle, wild ruminants, camelids, dogs, occasionally humans) (1)

  • Bov-CoV(牛,野生反刍动物,骆驼,犬,偶尔也有人类)(1)

Transmission does not necessarily mean disease. Most of the time, when transmission to another species occurs, there’s only subclinical disease in the new hosts (like Covid-19).


 Viruses in general lack the regulation mechanisms avoiding / fixing copy errors of the genome in animal cells. Hence, mutation rates are of larger magnitude which explains why they can adapt to new host with (relatively little) time. However, it has recently been shown that some coronaviruses are capable of some replication regulation under certain environmental circumstances, which make them more complex adaptors.


Coronavirus mutation rates are is not greater than in most other viral families. However,RNA viruses are more susceptible to mutation than DNA viruses.

 冠状病毒变异率不大于其他病毒 。但,RNA病毒比DNA病毒更容易发生突变。

Coronavirus RNA is longer than that of other RNA viruses, increasing the likelihood of copy incidents compared to viruses with shorter nucleic acids.


 Recombination ability is also an important feature of coronaviruses, well studied under the SARS outbreak in 2002. Coupled with mutation, this allows adaptation to occur (e.g., receptor binding ability, temperature adaptation enzymes) in a shorter time period, than for other viruses.




To which animal species is this SARS-CoV-2 associated?

SARS-CoV2 is showing 96.3% genomic identity with Bat-CoV-RaTG13 that was previously detected in the intermediate horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus affinis) from southwest China's Yunnan Province

· SARS-CoV2与中国西南部云南省的菊头蝠身上携带的Bat-CoV-RaTG13的基因同源性为96.3%。

However, there is a difference within the Receptor Binding Domain RBD of the spike protein between the two viruses : the SARS-CoV-2 RBD is adapted to receptors the ACE2 which allows it to enter human cells, while Bat- CoV-RaTG13 can’t do it.

然而,这两种病毒在spike蛋白的受体结合域-RBD中存在差异:SARS-CoV-2 RBD与ACE2受体相适应,ACE2允许其进入人体细胞,而Bat- CoV-RaTG13则不能。

Pangolin coronavirus was discovered in 2019. Regarding the short RBD region, the Pangolin-CoV is more similar to SARS-CoV-2 region than the Bat-CoV-RaTG13. The Pangolin-CoV shares all five key amino acids in invading human cells with SARS-CoV-2 whereas Bat-CoV-RaTG13 genome only shares one out of five. However, it is important to note that the pangolin or any other species has not been determined as intermediary or amplification host in this SAR-CoV-2 outbreak.


As horseshoe bats were hibernating at the time when Covid-19 appeared in China, there is general consensus that the SARS-CoV-2 is of ancestral Bat-CoV-RaTG13 origin, but that an intermediate / amplification host with reassortments in the RBD region was necessary to invade human cells. Obviously, all this is speculative at this stage.



To which animal species is this SARS-CoV-2 associated?

For a virus to make this kind of leap, a number of factors have to line up: Infected animal, infectious secretions, very close contact possibly repetition in time.


Wildlife markets are therefore a unique occasion for interspecific transmission:


  • Poor hygiene – slaughter 不卫生-屠宰

  • Stressed animals likely to shed a lot of virus应激动物容易传播大量病毒

  • Continuous close and crowded contact between multiple species unlikely in the wild+多物种之间持续的紧密和拥挤的接触在野外是不可能的

  • Close proximity to livestock, poultry and domestic animals接近家畜、家禽和宠物

  • Wildlife used as small household pets or slaughtered on-site and subsequently eaten, sometimes raw, promoting intimate contact between virus and host ‘s intestinal tract.野生动物被作为家庭宠物或在现场屠宰后食用,特别是生吃,造成病毒与宿主肠道的亲密接

  • Conditions within zoo settings are very different:动物园的环境是非常不同的

  •  Good hygiene practice卫生的环境

  • Welfare of animals minimizing stress动物无应激

  •  Monitoring and active surveillance of animal health, veterinary observation, screenings.兽医积极观察监测动物健康

  • Typically, captive bred animals通常是圈养

  • No human consumption of wildlife 没人食用野生动物

  • Time is also very important factor: several genetic retrospective and phylogenetic studies agree that SARS and MERS emergence are linked to several decades of continuous proximity, allowing several mutation and recombination event to occur consecutively.时间也是很重要的因素:若干遗传回顾性和系统发育研究文章显示 SARS and MERS在最近几十年连续发生了几个突变和重组事件


To which animal species is this SARS-CoV-2 associated?

Positive dog reported in Hong Kong in late February: repeated RT-PCR low-level SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA was detected in oro-nasal and fecal swabs. So far, the most credible hypothesis that this is actually a passive transfer of virus from its infected owner, without any infection of viral shedding of the dog. The dog showed no symptoms and to date has not sero-converted [15 March 2020] (http://www.promedmail.org/post/7081842)

二月底在香港发现一只犬呈阳性:RT-PCR在口腔、鼻腔和粪便拭子中检测到低水平的SARS-CoV-2病毒RNA,到目前为止,最可信的假设是,这实际上是病毒从其受感染的主人那里被动转移过来的,不会传播病毒。犬没有显示临床症状,也没有血清学反应。 [15 March 2020] (http://www.promedmail.org/post/7081842)

So far, the ability for SARS-CoV-2 to infect other species has mainly been assessed by In vitro by infection trial on various mammalian cells, or by computer simulated prediction according to RBD / ACE2 receptors binding abilities (2). Combination of these two approaches in 3 different studies provide the report in Table A below.

到目前为止,SARS-CoV-2感染其他物种的能力主要通过各种哺乳动物细胞的体外感染试验或根据RBD / ACE2受体结合能力的计算机模拟预测进行评估(2)。在3个不同的研究中,这两种方法的结合提供了如下表A所示的报告。

Additionally, as labs rush to test SARS-CoV-2 in animal models the first results are emerging: teams in China have reported initial findings from infecting Rhesus macaques (https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-15756/v1) and transgenic mice (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.02.07.939389v3)  that have the human ACE2 gene. Labs working on ferrets say they should also have initial results soon: a team led by virologist S.

S. Vasan at the Australian Animal Health Laboratory in Geelong has found that the animals are susceptible to SARS- CoV-2 (https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00698-x#ref-CR1)

此外,实验室测试SARS-CoV-2在动物模型中的第一个结果出来了:中国的团队已公布初步调查结果,恒河猴(https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-15756/v1)和转基因小鼠(https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.02.07.939389v3)有人类ACE2基因。研究雪貂的实验室表示,他们很快也会得到初步结果:由澳大利亚动物健康实验室(位于吉隆)的病毒学家S. S. Vasan领导的一个小组发现,雪貂对 SARS- CoV-2很敏感 (https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-00698-x#ref-CR1)

Table A : Extant knowledge about species sensitivity to SARS_CoV-2 from (16), (30) and (37)



Infected Cell


Viral Particle enter


Computer prediction of receptor binding







Civet cat































The Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut ( FLI ) (Germany) is currently testing experimental sensitivity of poultry and swine for SARS-CoV-2 but the results of this study won’t be available before end of April



Is there any risk of transmission from visitors / keepers to animals?

According to the current knowledge, SARS-CoV-2 is showing abilities to enter cells of several animal species such as bats. Therefore, close contact between chiropterans and infected / suspect human with CoViD19 should be forbidden. Keepers taking care of bats colony should be especially assessed.


Individuals handling or caring for animals should implement the following basic hygiene measures, applying to both visitors or keepers:


Prevent contact with animals when ill


Wash hands thoroughly before and after handling animals, their food, or supplies


 Avoid any close contact like “kissing” or petting (especially without gloves)


Regarding great apes, there are already two official documents:关于类人猿,已经有两个官方文件:

 One from EAZA great Ape TAG Vet advisors EAZA 类人猿兽医指导

· One from AZA / ZAHP Fusion Center : https://zahp.aza.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/COVID-19-and- Great-Apes_3.12.2020.pdfAZA / ZAHP中心

The EAZA statement on SARS-CoV-2 can be found here: 

EAZA关于SARS-CoV-2 的声明请见链接




Reassuring Statements about risk of transmission from zoo animals to visitors / keepers?

Zoo animals are under veterinary care, including ongoing monitoring of infectious diseases. For some particular species, screening for some coronaviruses is already part of entry requirements (e.g. FIP in some Felidae) or readily looked for when any clinical signs are noted (e.g. diarrhea in young bovids)


The species of chiropterans that are mostly involved with coronavirus (like Asiatic horseshoe bats or other small insectivorous species) are not kept within European zoo collection, mostly focusing on flying foxes that are not known hosts of the high-profile zoonotic coronaviruses.


 The environmental, sanitary and welfare conditions of zoo settings cannot in any way be compared to conditions in wildlife markets. Zoos employ exemplary hygiene and sanitation practices, excellent holding conditions adapted to the species’ needs and daily monitoring of all animals in their care.



What about stability of virus in environment?

Infective media: SARS-CoV-2 could be excreted through oral cavity (saliva), respiratory tract (breath / aerosol) and also intestinal tract (feces).


 SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 seems to share the same propriety of stability on surface and in aerosols (27)

· SARS-CoV-1和SARS-CoV-2似乎在物体表面和气溶胶中具有相同的稳定性(27)

remaining viable in aerosols for up to 3 hours


remaining detectable on metal or plastic surface for up to 3 days, but their titers reduced a lot (e.g. from 103.7  to 100.6 Tissue Culture Infective Dose / mL over 72h)

在金属或塑料表面长达3天,但他们的滴度下降了很多 (例如. 72 h后从103.7 降到 100.6   体外组织感染量/ 毫升 )

 The most efficient disinfectant remains alcoholic compounds, but with appropriate contact time: propanol (100% or 70%) or ethanol (70%) for a minimum of 30 sec. For other compounds such as quaternary ammonium or phenolic compounds, efficient contact time regarding coronavirus is usually 10 minutes. Other disinfectants that could be used include wine vinegar (1 minute), sodium chlorite (1-2 minutes), hydrogen peroxide (usually 2 minutes). (19)


Online live references


1. WHO:


2. John Hopkins Univ:https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6

3. LitCovid database: 


4. BioOne Wildlife & Coronativus Database :    https://complete.bioone.org/covid-19



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来源:European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians - Transmissible Diseases Handbook (last updated 17March 2020)











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