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2024-06-12 93 返回列表





比利时联合宠物United Petfood从Wellness Pet Company手中收购了位于印第安纳州米沙瓦卡的生产设施,从而进入美国市场。United Petfood 这家比利时家族企业在比利时、匈牙利、意大利、西班牙、罗马尼亚和土耳其经营宠物食品制造厂,销往 95 多个国家。 
United Petfood has entered the U.S. market by purchasing a production facility in Mishawaka, Indiana, from Wellness Pet Company. The Belgian family-owned business operates pet food manufacturing facilities in Belgium, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Romania and Turkey,sells in more than 95 countries.


在美国的一项市场调查中,60% 的宠物主人认为养宠物变得更加困难。成本上涨影响了宠物主人的生活,77% 的受访者表示他们已经改变了消费习惯以适应宠物费用。近一半 (49%) 的宠物主人减少了个人购买量,例如衣服和美容产品,以负担与宠物相关的费用。宠物主人可能更愿意削减自己食物的开支,而不是宠物食品的开支。在所有受访者中,79% 是狗主人,59% 是猫主人。

In a survey,US dog, 60% of pet owners agreed that it had become more difficult to afford pet ownership.

Rising costs have affected pet owners' lives, with 77% of respondents saying they had changed their spending habits to accommodate pet expenses. Nearly half (49%) of pet owners had made fewer personal purchases, such as clothes and beauty products, to afford their pet-related expenses.
Of all respondents, 79% were dog owners while 59% owned cats.


ADM launches functional pet treats, supplements in Europe. According to recent ADM consumer research, over half of European pet parents would be willing to pay more for treats with benefits than for treats that don’t have a supplementary ingredient.


法国政府出台了一项国家计划,旨在防止和打击遗弃宠物行为,加强对猫狗流浪行为的管理,禁止断尾、使用电击项圈和口套以及宠物纹身这类虐待宠物行为。政府还将拨款 300 万欧元(320 万美元)用于流浪猫绝育。 

The French government has introduced a national plan to prevent and fight pet abandonment, improve the management of canine and feline wandering and avoid pet abuse.

The government intends to implement stronger measures against tail docking, the use of electric collars and muzzles and pet tattooing. Furthermore, it will allocate €3 million ($3.2M) toward the sterilization of stray cats. 


德国联邦内阁发布了一份修改《动物福利法》和《动物产品贸易禁止法》的法案草案,以“加强在动物饲养和使用过程中的动物保护”。该法案旨在规范非治疗程序,强制要求在线宠物交易提供身份证明和屠宰场视频监控,并增加处罚和罚款。另一项值得注意的变化包括禁止展示和宣传具有“虐待繁殖”特征的动物,腊肠犬、比格犬、可卡犬、马耳他贵宾犬和其他 4 种犬种可能受到威胁。

Germany’s Federal Cabinet has released a draft bill to amend the Animal Welfare Act and the Animal Products Trade Prohibition Act to “strengthen animal protection in the keeping and use of animals.”

Officials want to impose stricter rules on cruel breeding practices and online pet trading. The new bill would ban keeping animals tied up, as well as keeping and displaying certain animals in various locations.
Another noteworthy change includes an exhibition and advertising ban on animals with “torture breeding” characteristics. The German Kennel Club (VDH) warns that dachshunds, beagles, cocker spaniels, Maltese poodles and 4 other breeds may be under threat. 


现在,在英格兰和北爱尔兰偷窃宠物的罪犯将面临最高 5 年监禁、罚款或两者并罚。由国会议员发起的私人议员法案增加了强制给猫植入微芯片的规定,以简化寻找丢失、流浪或被盗宠物的过程。 

A new law making pet abduction a criminal offense entered into force after receiving Royal Assent on 24 May. Now, offenders stealing pets in England and Northern Ireland will face up to 5 years in prison, a fine or both.

The Private Members’ Bill, adds to the mandate for compulsory microchipping of cats to simplify finding lost, stray or stolen pets. 




According to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, Chinese pet medical group New Ruipeng Pet Healthcare Group Co., Ltd. has applied to withdraw its US initial public offering (IPO) plan. Public information shows that on January 24, 2023, the US Stock Exchange officially disclosed the prospectus for New Ruipeng's listing, which also marks the upcoming listing of the company, which has more than 1,000 pet hospitals in China. However, due to various reasons, its IPO process has stalled. Recently, New Ruipeng officially applied to withdraw its IPO plan.


Chinese ride-hailing platform DiDi Global Inc. has released a statement stating that it will promote pet-carrying services in more cities in the future. Currently, Didi's special car service has launched a dedicated pet-carrying service in Beijing, Shanghai, and Hangzhou. In addition, Didi supports visually impaired people to bring guide dogs for rides, and drivers are not allowed to refuse rides.



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