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Chi University 创始人 / 校长









谢慧胜教授在 1983 年毕业于四川畜牧兽医学院中兽医专业,同年入职于中国农业大学动物医学院。1988 年取得中国农业大学动物医学院中兽医学硕士学位,1992年在北京中医药大学和中国中医科学院完成针灸高级进修课程,1999 年获得美国佛罗里达大学(UF)博士学位并留校任教,在 UF 教学动物医院开创兽医针灸诊室。

1998 年,谢老师在佛罗里达州的世界马业中心——奥卡拉创办 Chi University(原 Chi Institute),是全球第一所获得美国教育部认证的中兽医学及整合兽医学高等学府,为世界各地兽医师提供针灸、中药、推拿、食疗等系列中兽医学教育以及康复、脊椎矫正等整合兽医学教育。

另外,Chi University 还提供中兽医学硕士研究生学位、整合兽医学硕士 / 博士研究生学位教育,在谢慧胜教授的长期推动和坚持下,Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine(中兽医学)被收录到美国词汇库。


学识渊博 著作丰富

谢老师主编著作50多部,发表学术论文100多篇,其中Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine-Fundamental Principles,Xie’s Veterinary Herbology,Xie’s Veterinary Acupuncture,Application of Tui-na in Veterinary Medicine和Integrative and Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine Food Therapy等著作已成为世界各国学习中兽医课程的教科书。中兽医临床指导系列丛书(大动物、小动物、异宠、中兽医急诊)更是被千万临床中兽医视为现代版“肘后急备方”,为临床中兽医进行中兽医诊疗时提供思路和指导。


谢老师创立的Chi University,目前已经为来自80多个国家和地区的10000多名兽医师提供了中兽医学及整合兽医学的教育。在他的教导下,这些学生已成为全球兽医针灸领域的领军人物,进一步促进了中兽医学的传承与发展。此外,谢老师还将兽医针灸引入美国主要大学的兽医学院,涵盖教学、科研和临床实践,以便更多学子能够接触和深入了解中兽医的理念和应用。











 A message from Dr. Xie 

Dear friends, colleagues, and visitors,


Since I was a young boy, my grandfather often told me: “Every man has his own path, and so long as you are diligent, you will find yours.” I firmly believe that teaching and fostering Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) through Chi University is my path and my life’s destination. However, it is not a destination that I arrived at immediately on my own. Rather, it is a course that has emerged gradually and organically, one down which I have been urged by different people and events. I want to use this space to share with you some of these major landmarks in my path towards founding Chi University.

小时候,祖父经常告诉我说:“每个人都有自己的道路,只要足够勤奋,就会找到自己的道路。”我坚信,通过Chi University向全世界兽医师传授和发展中兽医学(TCVM)就是我的道路和人生目标。然而,这并不是一条靠我一个人就能实现的道路,也不是一条一蹴而就的道路。相反,这是一条累足成步,受到不同人、事鼓舞才出现的道路。借此平台,我想与您分享Chi University的几个里程碑时刻。

The first time I stepped foot on US soil was in 1992, when I visited several Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) schools. I was then a professor of TCVM at China Agricultural University, and I was baffled to find that these American institutions of Chinese Medicine classified themselves as either “Five Elements” or “Eight Principles” schools, when these two theories are simply different sides of the same coin. Five Elements and Eight Principles Theory are inseparable from each other and are both fundamental to Chinese Medicine, and I wondered how one could assemble a comprehensive TCM curriculum by focusing on either one or the other.


Then, when I settled with my family in Florida in 1994, we became friends with local veterinarians, some of whom had trained in acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. However, I was surprised to discover that despite their years of study, these veterinarians had yet to practice acupuncture on their patients. They told me that their training courses had focused on theory at the exclusion of practice, and that they had barely touched acupuncture needles, much less place them in animals. It pained me to see these bright practitioners lack the confidence to practice what they had taken so much initiative to learn, and I once again questioned the efficacy of Chinese Medicine education courses in the US.


Finally, from 1994 to 1997, I was given the privilege to give talks on TCVM at over a dozen veterinary organizations, invitations that took me around the world to not only the US, but also Ireland, Canada and Japan. During these travels, I was heartened and inspired by the enthusiasm of the many veterinarians who were eager to learn more about this ancient healing system that was nevertheless new to the Western world. After an acupuncture seminar in Kentucky, an equine practitioner approached me and said: “Dr. Xie, your hour-long presentation has cleared from my mind twenty years of doubt.” A Canadian vet bemoaned that I was not given time to teach them more. And a senior TCM faculty remarked after my talk: “this guy can really make this complicated old theory easy to grasp.” These encouraging comments along with my previous observations about the lack of effective TCVM education in the West eventually led me to establish Chi University in 1998.

最后,从1994年到1997年,我有幸在十多个兽医组织开展了关于中兽医的演讲,不仅在美国,还去了爱尔兰、加拿大和日本。尽管中兽医这种古老的治疗体系对西方兽医来说是陌生而新奇的,但是在这些讲座过程中,我遇到了很多对中兽医感兴趣的医生,他们的热情打动了我,也激励了我。在肯塔基州的一次针灸研讨会后,一位马兽医对我说:“谢老师,您一个小时的演讲消除了我脑海中二十年的疑虑。”一位加拿大兽医抱怨没有安排更多的讲座教他们更多的中兽医知识。一位资深的中兽医教师听完我的讲座后说道:“这家伙确实能让这个复杂的古老的理论变得易于理解。”这些鼓舞人心的评论,以及基于之前对西方缺乏有效中兽医教育的观察,促使我在1998年创办了Chi University。

Since the founding of Chi University, TCVM has become a destination for thousands of veterinarians who have felt their lives enriched by its time-honored healing methods and principles. Whether TCVM is your final destination or one of many stops along your life’s journey – I welcome you to open your heart and mind to this deep body of knowledge.

自Chi University创立以来,中兽医这一经历岁月洗礼的古老治疗方法,已成为无数兽医职业生涯中的璀璨明珠,无论您是将中兽医视为最终的职业目标,还是人生旅途中的一站,我都热切地邀请您,敞开心扉,拓宽视野,来领略这一博大精深的医学体系。



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