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ABOUT US 關於康迪亞獸醫

Concordia Pet Care is a progressive hospital established in 2018, located in Happy Valley, Hong Kong. Our facility is over 9,600 sq.ft. We have 4 consult rooms, 2 purpose-built surgery suites, separate dog and cat wards, and an independent chemotherapy room; Our doctors and nurses work together as one harmonious team, and everyone is very supportive of each other, and equally welcoming to new team members, as we strive to continuously raise our medical and service standards.


At Concordia Pet Care we believe that pets deserve the same level of healthcare as we expect for ourselves. We are dedicated to deliver the very best of veterinary care and service. We strive to deliver better care to our patients and clients.


Although we hope you never need us in an emergency, we understand that sometimes pets become unexpectedly ill or injured. Should this happen, we are here to help with all of your pet’s needs!


Here at Concordia, we are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, such as digital x-ray, CT scanner, ultrasound, oxygen cages, endoscopy and separate operating theatres for soft tissue and orthopaedic procedures. We also have a separate ICU, dog ward and cat ward for any patients that need on-going care and monitoring.




Highly trained staffs in the latest technologies and techniques. Our service is well-established and is led by RCVS certificate holders and ABVP diplomates, who are recognized veterinary specialists in Hong Kong and the USA.


Dr Elaine Ng



Diplomate ABVP (Canine and Feline)

MANZCVS (S.A. Surgery)


Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist

Dr. Elaine obtained a scholarship to study veterinary medicine at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. During her years in Cambridge, she also obtained MPhil in History and Philosophy of Science. She became a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons upon her graduation in 2001. She is a certified acupuncturist by IVAS (International Veterinary Acupuncture Society) and has now practiced acupuncture with very good results for more than 10 years. She is an active participant in world class surgery workshops and congresses internationally.She is a member of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary by examination in Small Animal Surgery and an Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Surgery at the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.

伍婉靈醫生考獲了英國劍橋大學的獎學金修讀獸醫醫學科。在劍橋讀書期間,她還考獲了歷史和科學哲學碩士學位。2001年畢業後, 伍醫生順利成為英國皇家獸醫學會(RCVS)會員。她也是IVAS(國際獸醫針灸學會)的認證針灸師,擁有超過十數年的獸醫針灸經驗;此外,伍醫生積極參與各類世界級的外科研討和學習會議,在小動物外科手術方向有著豐富的經驗。她擁有澳洲和新西蘭獸醫科學院院士(小動物外科)的資格,亦擁有英國皇家獸醫學院小動物外科高級證書。

Dr. Elaine worked at SPCA in Hong Kong for 2 years after her graduation. Before joining Concordia, she spent 13 years working at Peace Avenue Veterinary Clinic (now City University PAVC), where she accumulates her experience treating the local canine and feline population. She is excited to have this opportunity to provide caring and personal customer experience as well as advanced veterinary service.


專業領域: 骨外科手術, 針灸

Dr Cheryl Chan



Dr. Cheryl grew up in Hong Kong and has determined to become a veterinarian since childhood. When studying veterinary medicine, she was always keen to travel the world, and has been to Thailand, South Africa and the United States to obtain different work experience. She was an exchange student at the College of Veterinary Medicine in Colorado State University School. Dr. Cheryl successfully passed the North American Veterinary License Examination in 2013 and graduated from the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Edinburgh (UK) in 2014. After graduating, she worked in the Emergency and Criical Care(ECC) Department, Animal Hospital of Cornell University in New York. After returning to Hong Kong, she worked at Peace Avenue Veterinary Clinic (now City University PAVC) as an internship of internal medicine. Currently, she is obsessed with obtaining the senior veterinarian certificate of RCVS and the ECC membership of ANZCVS. Moreover, she hopes to gain further achievements in both ECC and internal medicine. 


Dr. Cheryl is very excited to join the team at Concordia Pet Care. She believes in the importanceof client communication, and strives to bring our furry friends the care that they deserve. Outside of the clinic, she is an avid yogi, violinist, scuba diver, NatGeo fan, and servant to her cat, Ru (named after Rudolph for her pink nose), a domestic shorthaired who was adopted in the states.

陳曉聰醫生很高興加入康迪亞獸醫團隊。她非常了解和主人溝通的重要性,並希望可以為所有毛孩小朋友帶來牠們應得的關懷照顧。在診所外,她是個瑜伽愛好者,小提琴手,潛水員,NatGeo粉絲和一名貓奴。Ru (以 Rudolph – 聖誕糜鹿的粉紅色鼻子得名)是陳醫生在美國收養的本地短毛貓。

專業領域: 急診與重症監護科

Dr Anne Lo


Dr Anne studied veterinary medicine at the University of Edinburgh, and subsequently completed a PhD in Virology at the University of Cambridge. We are happy to announce that we now have a 24 hour hospitalisation service, and that we will be able to respond to any questions out of hours.


Dr.Anne is very experienced, having worked at a number of veterinary clinics in UK. She relocated back to Hong Kong a few years ago, and has since then spent some time with a number of local practices.

Dr.Anne 曾在英國任職於多家獸醫診所,臨床經驗十分豐富。幾年前她回到了香港,並開始在香港提供獸醫診療服務。

She spends much time pampering her cat Molly, who has travelled with her since her adoption in Edinburgh. Dr Anne is also a keen horse rider and can be found pampering her horse when not too busy pleasing her cat. She is also a reasonably competent sailor when she is taking a break from her four-legged companions!


Dr. Anne is excited to have this opportunity to provide a caring and personable veterinary experience to you.


專業領域: 夜間急診


We welcome all feedback regarding our service as we continuously strive to improve. Please call us at +852 2679 1000 for any enquiries.

任何關於我們服務的反饋我們都非常歡迎,這將幫助我們不斷提高。如有任何疑問,請您致電+852 2679 1000。



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